NSfK Research seminar 2024

Youth crime: Causes, development and policy

Dates: May 13–15, 2024
Venue: Åhus Seaside, Skåne, Sweden

Crimes committed by young individuals hold a significant place in political and public debate. Research into the underlying causes of youth crime is of the utmost importance to inform these discussions and establish preventive strategies and evidence-based practices.

NSfK’s 62nd research seminar will explore Nordic research into the causes of and interventions against a wide range of crime committed by youths. We also wish to highlight its development and the varying approaches in current policy initiatives within the Nordic context.

  1. What factors characterize youth crime in the Nordic countries today?
  2. What are the crime preventive and collateral effects of policy interventions, both within and outside the criminal justice system?

We welcome empirical, theoretical and methodological contributions that discuss the causes of youth crime and the reaction towards it.

In addition to the general theme, presentations concerning other topics are also welcome, and both Nordic researchers and practitioners are encouraged to participate and present their research.

Keynote speakers

  • Margrét Valdimarsdóttir (Associate Professor, University of Iceland, Iceland)
  • Markus Kaakinen (Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland)
  • Stian Lid (Researcher, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
  • Katharina Tollin (The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention / Brottsförebyggande rådet)
  • Britt Østergaard Larsen (Senior Researcher, The Danish Center for Social Science Research VIVE, Denmark)
  • Tea Torbenfeldt Bengtsson (Professor MSO, The Danish Center for Social Science Research VIVE, Denmark)

Programme and abstracts

Last updated 12 May 2024.


Please note that it is only possible to submit individual papers for presentation and not panels.

The application deadline was December 15 (23:59), 2023.


After the seminar, participants are requested to share their research and papers in form of a report.

Reporting deadline: June 15, 2024.

Option 1: Submit an article

Submit an article – based on the paper presented at the seminar – for publication, preferably in one of the Nordic journals NSfK supports:

  • Nordic Journal of Criminology
  • Nordisk Tidskrift for Kriminalvidenskap

The submitted articles will be handled according to the journals’ ordinary review and publication processes. Those who choose this option must inform the Secretariat about your chosen journal, title and an abstract within the deadline.

Option 2: Submit a blog post

Submit a blog post at the Nordic Criminology Blog (in co-operation with Nordic Journal of Criminology).

Blog submission guidelines.

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