
  • State Compensation and Gender Equality

    By Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir State compensation schemes for victims of crime are based on the idea that the state has a duty to protect its citizens from crime, and awards compensation as recognition of a sense of public sympathy and social solidarity with victims. While the law is gender neutral, its application reveals a gendered…

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  • Why has crime become a prevalent social problem in both Chile and Sweden?

    By Felipe Estrada  I was recently in Chile as a visiting professor and was expecting to find a different conversation on crime and punishment than the Swedish one. The reason for my optimism was the rapid social changes that had occurred during and after the massive social protests in 2019-2020. One of the political consequences…

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  • Mental Illness, Crime, and Social Control in Finland

    By Fred Markowitz The vast majority of persons with a mental illness are not dangerous, yet may be stigmatized by the public due to perceptions of danger.  However, studies in several countries have shown the risk of violence and criminal offending is elevated among those with certain mental illnesses, especially when combined with substance abuse. …

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  • Invisible victims of Nordic nightlife: A Danish case

    By Margit Anne Petersen, Geoffrey Hunt and Alexandra Bogren Nordic concerns about sexual victimization have recently become more prominent, fueled by the #MeToo movement, and EU surveys highlighting high prevalence rates of sexual harassment and assault in Scandinavia. While rape is given greater priority by criminal justice authorities, victims of “less serious” incidences find themselves…

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  • Discretion and net-widening – early intervention and forecasting youth crime

    By Helene O. I. Gundhus and Pernille Erichsen Skjevrak The Norwegian Police are bringing risk assessment tools into use to identify young people who are the ‘most suitable candidates’ for crime prevention. Drawing on field studies, we analyse to what degree these practices are expanding and sharpening surveillance. How much do risk assessment technologies increase…

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  • Do we really need spatial crime analysis in Norway?

    By Annica Allvin Research on spatial crime patterns have grown greatly and an increasing number of police forces worldwide have invested in geographical information systems (GIS) and different tools to predict future criminal activity. As society keeps getting more digitalized, Norwegian policymakers too have shown an increasing interest for new technological solutions that can enhance…

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  • Ongoing studies on victim- offender mediation in Finland: An overview

    By Aino Jauhiainen Finland has a rich history of victim- offender mediation. Initiated in 1983 and applied into criminal justice legislation in 2005, this restorative justice practice currently receives around 13 000 criminal cases per year. The ensemble of previous research on this topic is large, containing studies on moral emotions, youth delinquency, intimate partner violence…

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  • Ambiguities of algorithmic governance: social harm perspective

    By Nea Lepinkäinen and Hanna Maria Malik Political systems face increasing pressure to deliver decisions at accelerated speed, and a failure to keep up with these rising standards deems the state bureaucracies the epitome of slowness, inflexibility and inefficiency. In other words, in modern societies, characterized by continuous acceleration, adherence to legalistic procedures collides with…

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  • Retreat or entrenchment: Drug policies in Iceland revisited

    By Helgi Gunnlaugsson Many signs of a retreat in the control of drugs can be detected in Iceland in most recent years. Instead of a predominantly criminal justice response toward possession of drugs, abuse of drugs is increasingly being viewed as a public health problem. A case in point demonstrating a shift, minor possession of…

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  • Sexual crimes in the context of sentencing consistency – an example from Finland

    By Tiina Malin Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a crime type that among other sexual offences repeatedly rouses heated public debates. Often the outcome in these discussions is that the public does not find the sentences of these crimes to be harsh enough. Moreover, the topic is regularly reported on by the media. When visiting…

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