Helena Huhta from Finland replaces Natalia Ollus and Anna-Karin Ivert from Sweden replaces Caroline Mellgren.

Helena Huhta is a Finnish sociologist and criminologist, who studied in her ethnographic PhD the changing meanings of ethnicity in the prison everyday life. Along with her thesis, Helena has studied various other topics using diverse qualitative methods while working in the Finnish youth research society. Her main interests lie in criminology and prisons, ethnographic methods, masculinities, and ethnic and racial studies. Currently, Helena works in the University of Turku, Faculty of Law, studying the inclusion of prisoners in law-drafting.

Anna-Karin Ivert’s academic work focusses largely on issues related to the social environment and its interaction with personal characteristics and experiences in in relation to criminality, fear of crime, and mental health. She has also conducted research on issues on related to neighborhood development and crime, as well as intimate partner violence. Her research aims to contribute to increased knowledge about how to prevent crime and related problems, how research can be applied in crime prevention, and how different societal actors can collaborate in crime prevention.
Welcome to our two new council members!
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