Newsletter – January 2025


  1. News from the secretariat
  2. Seminar, conferences, podcast, etc.
  3. News from the Nordic countries
  4. Publications
  5. Reports
  6. Statistics

Contact Secretaries in the Nordic countries:

Denmark: Frederikke Hougaard Hansen
Faroe Islands: Daisy J Iversen
Finland: Emma Villman
Greenland: Sara K. Jakobsen
Iceland: Jónas Orri Jónasson
Norway: Marina Hiller Foshaugen
Sweden: Emelí Lönnqvist

If you have any questions or comments about NSfKs activities, please conctact the Chair or the secretariat.

The contact secretaries are responsible for the national contributions.
To include anything to the Newsletter, please send an email to the contact secretary in your country.

1. News from the secretariat

The Secretariat is honored to be in Iceland and looks forward to the opportunities the next three years will bring. We are eager to contribute to the Council’s work and are committed to making a positive impact. We are confident that, through our collective efforts, we will achieve great results.

Feel free to spread criminological news to the Nordic countries.
You find us on
Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.​​

2. Seminar, conferences, podcast, etc.

Podcast: Prevent the crime! – The Crime Prevention Council

Podcast: The Criminologists New episode about Military Criminology, the Armed Forces as the Police, and being on the sidelines, with Sine Vorland Holen in conversation with Thomas Ugelvik.

Presentation: Stine Lukowski and the work with gang and biker members
Are you interested in understanding why some people end up in criminal careers – or perhaps on the periphery of these? Under what conditions did they grow up and how do they live now? And how can we support them to a life without crime? Then join us for an exciting evening where the Association for Young Criminologists invites Stine Lukowski to stop by for a talk about just that.
Time: Wednesday 22 January at 17.15-19.00
Place: KUA – in the flex room in the library, University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Faculty of Law, Njalsgade 76, 2300 Copenhagen S
Registration: You can participate physically or online. It is free for members and costs DKK 30 for non-members.

Theme day: Young people’s use of opioids and benzodiazepines
Opioids and benzodiazepines are often easy to get hold of and can also have very serious consequences. The Danish Social and Housing Authority invites you to a free theme day on young people’s use of these drugs and how to work with young people in practice. The day is offered in three different locations in the country in February/March 2025. It is free to participate.
Sign up for the theme day in Vejle (17 February)
Sign up for the theme day in Odense (27 February)
Sign up for the theme day in Roskilde (14 March)

The Faroese Ministry of Justice published annual report

This is the tenth annual report that has been published, which aims to inform the country’s ministries about the legislative work and follow-up work of bills put forward by the country’s administrations.

Intoxicants are sold via social media

This is stated by Heri Andreasen, Deputy Police Inspector, and acknowledges that it makes the police’s work difficult to track down the perpetrators.

The word cartel must now be included in the criminal code.

There is a proposal to insert a provision in the Criminal Code for those who, under particularly aggravating circumstances, enter into cartel agreements under the Competition Act.

According to the proposal, aggravating circumstances can result in up to six years in prison.

Board of Directors of the Faroe Islands University 2025 – 2028

As the term of the Board of Directors of the University of the Faroe Islands (Fróðskaparsetur Føroya) expired at the turn of the year, a new Board of Directors has now been appointed for the period 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2028.

11 new PhDs in 2024

This is stated by the Research Council (the Research Council) on their website.

Influence, threats and security policy cooperationv

How can cyber operations and influence operations be used by threat actors to target the state and Norwegian enterprises? Enterprises’ work with preventive security to protect themselves against the operations, the state’s offensive efforts against influence operations and the challenges that non-state enterprises face in this work are the topics of this seminar.
Time and place: 20 Jan. 2025 15:30 – 18:00, Domus Juridica, Auditorium 2

The possibilities and pitfalls of using legal strategies for rights movements

Social movements are increasingly turning to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) when national forums ignore their claims. This open seminar will discuss recent examples of such cases in the area of gender and sexuality, providing empirical and theoretical insights into the strategic use of the law.
Time and place: Feb. 14, 2025 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Professorboligen, Karl Johans gt. 47

Criminology Conference 2025

Criminal policy is back on the political agenda. The theme of the conference is “Knowledge – between discipline and politics”. Registration by February 28th.
Time and place: 27 May 2025 – 28 May 2025, Domus Juridica, Kristian Augusts gt. 17, 0164 Oslo

Call for papers: Biodata, Surveillance, and Society

The conference ‘Biodata, Surveillance and Society’ will collect international scholars from the social sciences, law, humanities and the natural sciences who have an interest in exploring the landscape of biodata, surveillance and computation in a wide range of domains. Abstracts should be submitted by the 4th of April 2025.
Time and place: Nov. 20, 2025 – Nov. 21, 2025, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law

The government and the Minister of Justice want to open up for harsher sentences

The current proposal for consultation will make it possible to impose a sentence of up to 16 years.

Talk about crime: Hate crime against Sami people

Talk about crime is a podcast from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) that addresses various topics in the field of crime prevention, measures to reduce crime, as well as statistics and research on the development of crime. The latest episode is about hate crimes against the Sami. Hate crimes and racism against the Sami and other national minorities are not a new phenomenon. But what type of hate crime is it, in what contexts do they take place and what consequences can the vulnerability have for the person affected? And how can we reduce and prevent this type of hate crime?

Advice for the future 2025

Advice for the Future is the National Conference on Crime Prevention (Brås) by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. 2025 will be the 25th time the conference has been arranged, this time in collaboration with Linköping Municipality. The conference will take place at Linköping Konsert & Kongress on 1–2 April. It is also possible to participate digitally.

Audio short story collection from Region Sörmland on the initiative of the Swedish Prosecution Authority: Two sides of sex

How do we talk to young people about sex and consent? On the initiative of the Swedish Prosecution Authority, Region Sörmland has produced a collection of audio short stories for young people. “Two Sides of Sex” depicts how young people think about consent. In the short stories, both the victim and the perpetrator are heard. The idea has been to reach young people and adults around them with credible and realistic stories that they can identify with.

Disputation: Emma Villman
Emma Villman will defend the doctoral dissertation entitled Pathways to desistance from crime: expectations and challenges upon release from open prisons in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, on 24 January 2025 at 12:00. The public examination will take place at the following address: Kielikeskus, Juhlasali, University of Helsinki and live stream.

Disputation: Sophie Litvak
Sophie Litvak will defend the doctoral dissertation entitled Religion and Hate Victimisation among Youth: A Comprehensive Approach from Methodology to Theory and Practical Solutions in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, on 28 February 2025 at 13:00. The public examination will take place at the following address: University of Helsinki Main Building, Karolina Eskelin Hall, and live stream.

Webinar: “Tackling organised crime: Nordic Policies and practices”
on 30th January 13:00–15:00 EET (UTC+2). . Welcome to discuss about the measures against organised crime in Nordic countries.
The research webinar presents the results of the project “Tackling organised crime: Viewpoints of Nordic policies and practices (TOC24)”,
and have invited experts from Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Register by January 27.

Oplæg: Stine Lukowski og arbejdet med bande- og rockermedlemmer
Er du interesseret i at forstå hvorfor nogle personer ender i kriminelle løbebaner – eller måske i periferien heraf? Under hvilke vilkår voksede de op og hvordan lever de nu? Og hvordan kan vi ikke mindst støtte dem til et liv uden kriminalitet? Så kom med til en spændende aften hvor Foreningen for Yngre Kriminologer inviterer Stine Lukowski forbi til en snak om netop det.
Tid: Onsdag d. 22. januar kl. 17.15-19.00
Sted: KUA – i flexlokalet i biblioteket, Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 76, 2300 København S
Tilmelding: Du kan deltage fysisk eller online. Det er gratis for medlemmer og koster 30 kr. for ikke-medlemmer.

Temadag: Unges brug af opioider og benzodiazepiner
Opioider og benzodiazepiner er ofte nemme at få fat i og kan samtidig have meget alvorlige konsekvenser. Social- og Boligstyrelsen inviterer til en gratis temadag om unges brug af netop disse rusmidler, og hvordan man kan arbejde med de unge i praksis. Dagen tilbydes tre forskellige steder i landet i februar/marts 2025. Det er gratis at deltage.
Tilmeld dig temadagen i Vejle (17. februar)
Tilmeld dig temadagen i Odense (27. februar)
Tilmeld dig temadagen i Roskilde (14. marts)

Podcast: Forebyg forbrydelsen! – Det Kriminalpræventive råd

3. News from the Nordic countries


New regulation in regulations to safeguard the best interests of the child in expulsion cases

In May 2024, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security instructed the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration on new criteria for assessing expulsion due to a violation of the Immigration Act in cases where it is not possible to continue a family life with minor children in the foreign national’s home country. The Ministry has now incorporated these amendments into the Immigration Regulations.

The white paper on total preparedness: Prepared for crises and war

In January, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice and Public Security presented the White Paper on Total Preparedness. The white paper does not affect a single sector, but contains measures that affect the individual, the public sector and the business sector. In this context, the Government is focusing on restructuring the civilian part of total defence and for civilian resilience. The Government will ensure that civil society is prepared for crisis and war, and develop a society that supports military efforts and that resists complex threats. The white paper can be read here.

First interim report from the Baneheia Committee

The Baneheia Committee was appointed by the government on 10 February 2023 to investigate all aspects of the Baneheia case, from the time the police started the investigation until the Borgarting Court of Appeal handed down an acquittal verdict on 15 December 2022, in addition to reviewing the work of the Commission for the Reopening of Criminal Cases. The interim report, “Retried – Review of reopening systems for criminal cases”, can be read here.

Legislative changes for 2025

The overview shows legislative and regulatory changes, related to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security’s area, which entered into force on 1 January 2025.


New edition of Collaboration in local crime prevention

The book describes in five steps how collaboration can be done in practice, and provides useful tools for the entire collaboration process. It has been produced jointly by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), the county administrative boards, the Swedish Police Authority and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR).

Recruitment of children and young people to criminal networks: new film by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention

The film is about how it can happen when children and young people are recruited into a criminal network, what crimes they commit and the conditions for leaving crime. The film is primarily aimed at adults who in their everyday lives work with, or come into contact with, children and young people. It can also be used, for example, as a basis for discussion with pupils in school education.

Two new assignments for the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority

In one of the assignments, the authority will, among other things, develop the Crime Victim Guide website and disseminate information about it to various victim groups, for example to those who have been subjected to violence in close relationships. The second includes conducting a feasibility study on how an activity that helps adults remove offensive material from platforms on the internet can be organized and developed.

18 organisations receive money for supporting efforts from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service

This year’s government grants to non-profit organizations that contribute in various ways to the Prison and Probation Service’s activities have now been distributed. A total of 18 organizations will share SEK 35 million, which is SEK 5 million more than the year before.

Stricter requirements for Swedish citizenship (SOU 2025:1)

Minister for Migration Johan Forssell has received the report Stricter requirements for Swedish citizenship. The Inquiry proposes stricter requirements for Swedish citizenship, including a longer period of residence in Sweden and a stricter requirement for an honest way of life in order to acquire Swedish citizenship.

Some questions about fundamental rights and freedoms (SOU 2025:2)

A parliamentary committee has submitted its report to the Minister of Justice, Gunnar Strömmer. The Committee proposes, among other things, that it should be possible to restrict freedom of association for criminal associations, that citizenship in certain cases should be revoked, and that the right to abortion should be protected in the Constitution.

More effective tools to combat crime by young offenders (SOU 2024:93)

On 18 December, the report “More effective tools to combat crime by young offenders” was submitted to Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer. The Inquiry has been tasked with considering a number of measures with the aim of strengthening the law enforcement authorities’ ability to prevent, investigate and prosecute crimes committed by young people. The inquiry proposes, among other things, that it should be possible to use secret coercive measures against children under the age of 15 who are suspected of serious crimes. In connection with the handover, a press conference was held together with the Minister of Justice and the special investigator Gunnel Lindberg.

More efficient cross-border collection of electronic evidence (SOU 2024:85)

The Inquiry has been tasked with reviewing the regulation on cross-border access to electronic evidence in connection with new international instruments. The Inquiry has also been tasked with reviewing the regulation on the cross-border handling of orders for the retention of data. The proposals allow prosecutors and other law enforcement authorities to turn directly to service providers in another EU country and request electronic data that can be used as evidence. This may include subscription details or text messages and images sent through services offered by Apple, Meta and Google. In addition, it is proposed that Swedish law enforcement authorities should be able to request information about domains and subscriptions from service providers located outside the EU.

2024 report on the application of the Act on Special Control of Certain Aliens (Skr. 2024/25:68)

In the letter, the Government describes the application of the Act (2022:700) on special control of certain foreign nationals from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. The letter also describes the development of international terrorism and other serious threats to Sweden’s security, as well as Sweden’s participation in international counter-terrorism efforts.

Report on the use of secret coercive measures in 2023 (Skr. 2024/25:64)

The Government has submitted a letter to Parliament on the use of secret coercive measures in 2023. In the letter, the Government reports on the extent to which various secret coercive measures have been used and what benefit they have brought to the fight against crime.

Assignment to strengthen support for victims and witnesses (Ju2024/02472)

The Police Authority, the Prosecution Authority and the National Courts Administration will be tasked with strengthening the work with support for victims of crime and witnesses.

Action plan against racism and hate crime

On 12 December 2024, the Government decided on an action plan against racism and hate crime. Through this gathering of forces, the Government is taking important steps forward in the work for a Sweden free from racism and hate crimes. The work in the area will be accurate, evaluable and long-term. A special focus is placed on the areas of education, the legal system, welfare and working life. Read more about the work against anti-Semitism, anti-black racism, anti-Gypsyism, anti-Muslim racism, and racism against the Sami.

More prison sentences to be served abroad

The Government has decided on a referral to the Council on Legislation with a proposal for a new law on the transfer of enforcement from and to Sweden of, among other things, prison sentences. The aim is to speed up the process of transferring prison sentences and to increase the number of convicted persons serving prison sentences in their home countries.

The government presents a proposal for increased camera surveillance

The Government has decided on a referral to the Council on Legislation with proposals that will increase the opportunities for the law enforcement authorities to monitor cameras in their activities. The proposals also mean that it will be easier for municipalities and regions to conduct camera surveillance.

The Government proposes that deportation decisions should be valid for a longer period of time and that the system of changing tracks be abolished

The Government has decided on a referral to the Council on Legislation that aims to streamline return activities and reduce the incentives for a foreigner to remain in the country after a removal decision.

The Government has tasked 24 authorities with developing crime prevention work

As part of the implementation of the national strategy against organised crime, the Government has decided on an assignment to 24 authorities to contribute to the development of crime prevention work. Brå will be tasked with offering advice to the authorities in the implementation of the assignment. The 24 agencies must, individually, report the assignment to the Government Offices by 31 August 2025.

Implementation of the Asset Recovery and Confiscation Directive (Dir. 2024:122)

The Government has commissioned an investigator to take a position on a number of issues linked to confiscation, including whether a reversal of the burden of proof should be applied in the case of extended confiscation and how the EU’s new confiscation directive should be implemented in Sweden.

Government decides to establish financial intelligence centre to counteract criminal finances

The Government has decided that the Police Authority will establish a Financial Intelligence Centre. The aim is to deepen cooperation between the Police Authority, the Swedish Economic Crime Authority, the Swedish Tax Agency and private actors to combat the criminal economy.

Continued focus on results, efficiency and local police presence in the appropriation letter for the Police Authority

The Government has decided on the Police Authority’s appropriation letter for 2025. A locally visible and security-creating police, improved results for investigations and prosecutions and increased efficiency continue to be in focus in the appropriation letter. The police growth will also continue.

Mission to strengthen the judiciary

The Government has decided on the 2025 appropriation letter for the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, the Swedish Prosecution Authority, the Swedish Economic Crime Authority, the Swedish Courts of Justice, the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority and the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. The focus of the appropriation letters is, among other things, efficiency, safety, support for crime victims, impact of new tools and crime prevention.

Important laws and regulations for the turn of the year 2024/25

The information material contains a summary of the most important laws and regulations that will enter into force in the second half of 2024 and around the turn of the year 2024/2025.

A year of the government’s strategy against violent extremism and terrorism

It has now been a year since the government decided on a new comprehensive strategy against violent extremism and terrorism. The strategy has had four strategic areas: preventing violent extremism and terrorism, preventing terrorist attacks and other ideologically motivated crimes, protecting people and the functions of society, and managing the situation during and after an attack. Four authorities have been tasked with incorporating the new strategy within the framework of their activities: the Swedish Security Service, the Swedish Police Authority, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) through the Centre against Violent Extremism (CVE) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

Government strengthens security perspective in citizenship matters

The Government has tasked the Swedish Migration Agency with taking further and strong measures to counteract as far as possible the granting of citizenship to persons who pose a security risk or live under a false identity. The Swedish Migration Agency will consult with the Swedish Security Service and the Swedish Police Authority to strengthen security in citizenship cases.


New Minister of Justice Assumes Office in Iceland

A ministerial change occurred in the Ministry of Justice when the newly appointed Minister of Justice, Þorbjörg Sigríður Gunnlaugsdóttir, received the keys from the outgoing minister, Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir. Guðrún had held the position since June 19, 2023. Þorbjörg Sigríður is familiar with the work of the NSfK, having participated in several research seminars.

Icelandic Police Fired Taser For The First Time

In December 2024, the Icelandic police deployed a Taser for the first time. Officers used the device on an armed individual exhibiting threatening behavior after milder measures proved ineffective.

Iceland takes seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council

On January 1st, Iceland became a Member of the United Nations Human Rights Council and will serve for a three-year term, or until the end of 2027.


Draft law circulated for comments: In the future, it will be possible to convert a death sentence imposed in another country to a prison sentence in Finland

The Ministry of Justice has prepared a draft law according to which a death sentence imposed in another country can be carried out in Finland as a custodial sentence.

Legislation on firearms offences to be revised – penalties to be tightened

The Government proposes a significant reform of the legislation on firearms offences. In accordance with the Government Programme, the minimum sentence for aggravated firearms offences will be increased to two years’ imprisonment. In the future, prison sentences imposed for such offences will generally be unconditional. Carrying a firearm in a public place or on a means of transport is also added to acts that constitute a serious firearms offence. Possession of dangerous objects in public places will also lead to stricter penalties in the future.

Inquiry into the introduction of custodial sentences circulated for consultation

The Ministry of Justice has prepared an assessment memorandum on custodial sentences and on the introduction of custodial sentences. The new sentence is intended for the most dangerous violent offenders.

Legislative proposal circulated for comments: changes to the placement of prisoners in open prisons and security wards

The Ministry of Justice has prepared a bill to amend the Prison Act and the Detention Act in accordance with the Government Programme. The aim is to improve prison security and fight organised crime, among other things.

Legislative proposal to increase the crime victim fee circulated for comments

The aim of the legislative proposal is to ensure the availability of victim support services. This is to be achieved by increasing the amount of the victim fee by 50 per cent.

Port safety investigations to be expanded

The Government proposes that the Security Clearance Act be expanded so that in the future, a normal security clearance can also be carried out for persons who have access to critical or confidential information on critical infrastructure. It will be mandatory to carry out a security clearance of certain personnel who have access to critical information in ports for international traffic.

Mediation may no longer be used in cases of domestic violence from the beginning of 2025

Mediation in cases of domestic violence will end from the beginning of 2025. In the future, mediation in cases of domestic violence may only be used in the case of a minor offence committed by a minor against his or her guardian or relative.

Experts have discussed how drug deaths among young people can be prevented

Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen convened experts for a roundtable discussion on drug deaths among young people on 9 December 2024. According to Statistics Finland, the number of drug deaths increased in 2023, and the number is now the highest in the history of measurements. A total of 253 people died due to drug poisoning, 91 of whom were under 25 years of age.

Prisoners’ views on legislative proposals to be investigated at smart prisons

Proposals to amend the Prison Act and the Detention Act have been prepared in accordance with the Government Programme and are currently being circulated for comments. The prisoners’ opinions are obtained from the prisons in Hämeenlinna, Kylmäkoski and Pyhäselkä, where prisoners can read the bills on on their Doris cell terminals and email their comments anonymously to the Registry of the Ministry of Justice.

The education system in the criminal sanctions sector will be reformed as part of the organisational reform

According to the proposal of the working group preparing the reform of the education system in the criminal sanctions sector, there would be two paths to completing degree training in the criminal sanctions sector in the future. In addition, an appropriate university degree must remain a path to the position of prison guard.

Intoxicants smuggled in by sailboat

On 20 December, the Faroese Court extended the detention of four people who are charged with smuggling 23 kilos of hashish and 3.8 kilos of amphetamines into the Faroe Islands. They arrived in Havnina on a sailboat. The police arrested them on August 29. The other woman, who is Icelandic, was released in September. The other four are three Danes and one Faroese. Two of them have voluntarily admitted to spending four weeks longer in custody

Faroe islands:

A description of the conditions for the mentally ill in the last 200 years

A new article provides insight into what the living conditions have been like for mentally ill Faroese people from the beginning of the 1800s until we got a psychiatric hospital in the late 1960s. With this article, the authors emphasize how important it is to acknowledge the special history of mental health care in the Faroe Islands. The researchers also stress that there is still a need to strengthen respect for the human rights of people with mental illnesses.


Job news: Head of administration to the Court of Greenland


Fuldt hus på ny pop up-skole i Danmarks største fængsel

Den 6. januar har 22 elever første skoledag på den nye pop-up skole i Sdr. Omme Fængsel. Dermed er alle pladserne i klasselokalet optaget med elever, som vil være fængselsbetjent, transportbetjent eller værkmester. Det er det største antal elever på et enkelt optag på kriminalforsorgens pop up-skoler. Pop up-skolerne blev etableret som en del af kriminalforsorgens flerårsaftale 2022-25, og åbner der, hvor kriminalforsorgen vurderer, at der er et højt rekrutteringspotentiale.

Scanning af fingeraftryk skal forhindre undvigelser i Vestre Fængsel

For at undgå undvigelser i forbindelse med besøg tester kriminalforsorgen ny scanningsmetode i Vestre Fængsel. Efter forsøgsperioden vil projektet blive evalueret for at vurdere, om fingeraftryks-scanneren er et brugbart og effektivt værktøj for kriminalforsorgen.

Antallet af juleindbrud halveret på fem år
Mange huse fik lov at være i fred fra tyvene i juledagene. I 2024 blev der anmeldt 667 indbrud i juledagene mod det dobbelte for fem år siden. Det Kriminalpræventive Råd glæder sig over udviklingen og opfordrer til, at danskerne holder fast i de gode vaner, for på årsbasis er der stadig alt for mange indbrud.

4. Publications

Books and anthologies

Straffenfuldelsesret – book by Hans Jørgen Engbo

Det strafferetlige forsøgs- og medvirkenansvar i et offerperspektiv – bog af Mathilde Worch Jensen

The criminal law of experimentation and complicity in a victim perspective – book by Mathilde Worch Jensen

Bosworth, M., Franko, K., Lee, M., and Mehta, R. (2024). Handbook on Border Criminology. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Houge, A.B. and Kruse, A.E. (2024). Ethical discomfort. An honest textbook on qualitative research on sensitive topics. Universitetsforlaget.

Research articles

Kjällgren, A.M.G. and Gundhus, H.O.I. (2024). Integrated prosecution in the police: Police lawyers’ views on interaction and management. Journal of Criminal Law.

Foshaugen, M.H. (2024). Notions of power in the plural policing of nightlife. Nordic Journal of Criminology.

Ugelvik, T. (2024). The kindness of strangers: Trust, recognition, and the co-production of desistance. Theoretical Criminology.

Heber, A. & Fredriksson, T. (2024). First Impressions Last? Lay-Judges’ Assessments of Credible Victimhood. The British Journal of Criminology.

Lowe, J. (2024) A Safer Sweden? A Narrative Analysis of Traveling Crime Stories and the Construction of the Foreign Criminal Other. Nordic Journal of Criminology.

Tutenges, S., Wästerfors, D. & Hedlund, A. (2024) Social Representations of the Jihadist: A Study of an Emerging Identity in Street Culture. The British Journal of Criminology.

Felding, F. A., Aagesen, K. M. B., & Demant, J. J. (2025). Juvenile delinquency in a hybrid digital perspective: A quantitative study of Danish young people’s participation in different types of cyber and traditional crime. Abstract from SSP Samrådent’s annual meeting 2025, Nyborg, Denmark.

Ejbye-Ernst, P., Friis, C. B., Liebst, L. S., & Lindegaard, M. R. (Accepteret/In press). Observing ordinary conflicts. I Visual Methods for Sensitive Images: Ethics and Reflexivity in Criminology On/Offline Palgrave Macmillan.

Houborg, E., Brummer, J. E., Christensen, L., Kappel, N., Kronbæk, M., Fahnøe, K. R., & Johansen, K. S. (Accepteret/In press). Violence and drug scene participation. – Violent victimization among marginalized people who use drugs in Copenhagen, Denmark. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Laine, R., Aaltonen, M., Martikainen, P., & Myrskylä, M. (2024). Industry-specific Labour Demand, Post-prison Employment and Recidivism – Evidence from Finland. Journal of Quantitative Criminology.

Ungdomskriminalitet i et hybridt digitalt perspektiv: Et kvantitativt studie af danske unges deltagelse i forskellige typer af cyber- og traditionel kriminalitet
Felding, F. A., Aagesen, K. M. B. & Demant, J. J., 2025.

Observing ordinary conflicts
Ejbye-Ernst, P., Friis, C. B., Liebst, L. S. & Lindegaard, M. R., 2025, (Accepteret/In press) Visual Methods for Sensitive Images: Ethics and Reflexivity in Criminology On/Offline. 

Violence and drug scene participation. – Violent victimization among marginalized people who use drugs in Copenhagen, Denmark
Houborg, E., Brummer, J. E., Christensen, L., Kappel, N., Kronbæk, M., Fahnøe, K. R. & Johansen, K. S., 3 dec. 2025, (Accepteret/In press) I: Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Book review:

Langeland, C.L. and Myrvang, T. (2024). Book review: The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology. Theoretical Criminology. .


Otava, P. Recognising Rape: From Essential Elements to Reasoned Judgment.

Doctoral dissertation. Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki

5. Reports

Impact evaluation of Handheld Inclusion: A quasi-experiment regarding the effect of a collaboration between the Danish Prison and Probation Service, the Municipality of Horsens and the Municipality
of Holbæk The report concerns an impact evaluation of the rate pool project Handheld Inclusion, which was a pilot project in the Danish Prison and Probation Service, Holbæk Municipality and Horsens Municipality. The project included closer cooperation between authorities to ensure that vulnerable citizens who were incarcerated in one of the Prison and Probation Service’s institutions received a coherent, interdisciplinary effort before and during incarceration and upon release. The evaluation examines the effect of the intervention in relation to recidivism and education/employment

New report on civilianisation of the police from Umeå University

As part of a Forte-funded research project, researchers at the Department of Education (Umeå University) have produced the report “Civilianisation of the police: research on gender, status and professional boundaries within the criminal investigation activities in Sweden”, in order to disseminate the research results to the Swedish Police Authority and to teachers and students in police education.

New report from Brå on people suspected of LGBTQI-related hate crimes

This report describes the people suspected of crimes with LGBTIQ-related hate crime motives. The report is made based on, among other things, gender, age, type of crime, method of access, crime scene and relationship to the victim.

Reports of Domestic Violence Decrease Year-over-Year

The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police has published a new report detailing domestic violence incidents for 2024. Nationwide, law enforcement received 2,379 reports of such cases, marking a nearly 2% increase compared to the preceding three years. However, when compared to 2023 alone, there was a 3% decrease in reported incidents. This equates to an average of approximately seven reports per day, or 198 per month, with December recording the highest number at 105 cases.

Icelandic Police Interim Statistics 2024

The National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police has released an interim statistical report for 2024. The number of homicides in Iceland reached an unprecedented high relative to the population. Authorities investigated seven suspected homicide cases, resulting in eight fatalities.

Annual Report of the Reykjavik Metropolitan Police for 2023

The annual report of the Reykjavik Metropolitan Police for 2023 has been published, reviewing the main tasks of the office. The year 2023 was very busy, with four homicide cases under investigation, along with several shooting incidents, among other matters.