Seven articles on Sexual violence in a Nordic context – and all of them Open/Free Access.
Capricious credibility – legal assessments of voluntariness in Swedish negligent rape judgements
Lisa Wallin et al. analysing the new Swedish rape legislation. The authors show how legal decisions regarding ‘negligent rape’ are influenced by rape myths drawing on stereotypes about gender and sexuality.
The ‘lottery’ of rape reporting: Secondary victimization and Swedish criminal justice professionals
Article by Caitlin P. Carroll is based on interviews with professionals. They describe the criminal justice system as a lottery for rape victim-survivors, since some are met with respect while others are dismissed or met with hostility.
Non-reporting of sexual violence as action: acts, selves, futures in the making
By Maria Hansen et al. explores why women refrain from reporting rape to the police. Through interviews this article shows how Norwegian interviewees justify, negotiate, and reconcile their choices of non-reporting.
Avenger in distress: a semiotic study of Lisbeth Salander, rape-revenge and ideology
Tea Fredriksson presents an analysis of rape-revenge fiction. While rape-revenge narratives challenge traditional victim stereotypes, they also include patriarchal elements, making them ideologically complex.
Understanding intimate partner violence in context: social and community correlates of special and general victimization
In the article Maiju Tanskanen & Janne Kivivuori use five sweeps of the Finnish National Crime Victim Survey to analyse victims of intimate partner violence. The results show that these victims are more likely to also be victims of other violent crimes.
An influential child of its time: Victim Support Sweden and the changing discourse on violence against women
Carina Gallo & Kerstin Svensson analyse the policy work of Sweden’s largest victim support organization regarding violence against women. It describes how the organization’s work has influenced discourses around class, gender, and violence.
Young people’s victimization and safety perceptions along the trip
Vania Ceccato et al. assess young people’s safety perceptions in the context of public transportation. The results indicate that young riders’ experiences of safety are affected by previous victimization of sexual crimes.