
  • Brå: Fewer crimes reported in Sweden in March 2020

    Fewer crimes reported in Sweden in March 2020 – the first month of the pandemic The Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Brå) has published preliminary statistics on crimes reported to the police in March 2020 and made an overview of the consequences of the pandemic. Brå finds that on a general level, the number of reported…

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  • Change in Nordic Drug Policy?

    During the spring a couple of interviews and debate articles on Swedish and Nordic drug policies have been published by/with professor emeritus Henrik Tham, Stockholm University. You find links to this media material here below. Henrik Tham is also leading the NSfK-funded Nordic working group “Changing Nordic Drug Policy?” The working-group looks into the question…

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  • NSfK New name in English

    New name: Nordic Research Council for Criminology NSfKs name in Swedish/Scandinavian has been Nordiska Samarbetsrådet för Kriminologi. Previously this has translated to Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology in English. In order to better show the contributing member countries as well as the scope of the organization, the Council decided at it´s annual meeting March 2-3…

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  • NSfK Researchgrants awarded 2020

    At the NSfK Council´s  meeting in Helsinki March 2nd-3rd 2020, the Council decided ia on this years´ Researchgrants. By application DL in November last year 31 applications had been submitted. Grants of a total 3 132 284 SEK were awarded to five Nordic researchprojects, of which one a joint Nordic project. Congratulations! Click on this…

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  • Winner of NJC Best Article 2019

    Synøve Nygaard Andersen is the author of Best Article 2019, NJC Synøve Nygaard Andersen, PhD and researcher at Statistics Norway, is the author of the award winning article“Partners in crime? Post-release recidivism among solo and co-offenders in Norway“. Congratulations Synøve! How does it feel to win this award? Thank you very much! Receiving this award…

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  • Participation in the Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2020

    The next Stockholm Criminology Symposium takes place June 9-11 in Stockholm, Sweden. The main theme for the 2020 Symposium is “Gun violence: sound knowledge and countermeasures”, and the organizers welcome both speakers and delegates to register. The Stockholm Criminology Symposium is an important international arena where criminologists, policy makers, practitioners and others engaged in criminal…

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  • Changing Nordic Drug Policy?

    NSfK Working Group met at Stockholm University, 7-8 November 2019. The working group looks into the question if there are signs of changing drug policies in the Nordic countries. The five Nordic countries all have strict drug policies relying on penal legislation, police work, and imprisonment. These policies have increasingly been criticized. The policies have…

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  • Rights of the Child – Children and young people in Nordic criminology research

    November 20th 2019 marks the 30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is the most ratified UN Treaty with 196 state parties having ratified the convention. In Nordic criminology research and crime policy the situation of children and young people is being  addressed from various perspectives. Below please find a…

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  • New report: “Crime, punishment, social marginalization and rehabilitation in small societies”

    The Nordic working group “Kriminalitet, frihedsberøvelse og kontrol i nordiske ø-samfund” was awarded NSfK grant in 2017. The working group has visited The Faroe Islands, the Åland Islands, Greenland and Iceland. Their research was presented at a conference in Nuuk, Greenland beginning of October. The report “Crime and Crime Control in Four Nordic Island societies:…

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  • Vacancies in the Nordics, criminology and related sciences

    Below you find current vacancies of relevance for Nordic criminology and related sciences. We hope this will be of help for you. You reach the announcements and further information on the positions by clicking the name of the vacancies in the list below. Grateful for your contributions to the compilation.Thank you! Vacancies Malmö University, Policeprogramme:…

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