Below are listed the awarded research grants from years 2016–2023 and the abstracts from the granted projects.
Research grants awarded in 2024
Co-Nordic research projects
Project leader Klara Hermansson (Sweden), Tove Pettersson and Kalle Tryggvesson (Sweden), Annick Prieur and Annette Olesen (Denmark), Tiina Malin and Piia Aitta (Finland), Helgi Gunnlaugsson (Iceland) and Peter Scharff Smith and May-Len Skilbrei (Norway) were granted NOK 1 493 423 for the project “Sentiments on Justice in the Nordic countries”.
Individual projects
Suvi Virtanen (Finland) was granted NOK 597 379 for the project “The effects of social policies in reducing criminality in Nordic countries: an early life perspective”.
Thomas Friis Søgaard (Denmark) was granted NOK 364 930 for the project “Drug Wholesaling Careers: A Registry-study of Life-course Trajectories into and out of Wholesale of Illegal Drugs”.
Working groups
Rune Ellefsen (Norway) was granted NOK 74 846 for the working group “Responses to Hate Crime in the Nordics: Understanding Emergent Policy, Legislation and Policing”.
Aino Jauhiainen (Finland) was granted NOK 99 913 for the working group “Restorative Justice in the Nordic Countries”.
Amber L. Beckley (Sweden) was granted NOK 99 625 for the working group “The Nordic Biospychosocial Criminology Network”.
Kasper Jørgensen (Denmark) was granted NOK 98 628 for the working group “Nordic Research Network on Prevention of Child Sexual Offending”.
Research grants awarded in 2023
Co-Nordic research projects
Project leader Mette-Louise E. Johansen (Denmark), Sveinung Sandberg (Norway), Sebastien Tutenges (Sweden) and Anna Hedlund (Sweden) were granted 1 482 032 NOK for the project “Ways Out of Street Crime: A Comparative Study of Street Crime Desistance in Denmark, Sweden and Norway”.
Project leader Peter Scharff Smith (Norway), Linda Kjær Minke (Denmark), Magnus Hörnqvist (Sweden), and Peter Fransen (Denmark) were granted 500 000 NOK for the project “Shaping Nordic Punishment – mapping and understanding the development of Nordic penal practice” (PenalNordic).
Individual projects
Mika Hagerlid (Sweden) was granted for the project “The Blind Spot: Assessing the increase in self-reported victimization among young Swedish women”.
Kerstin Carlson (Denmark) was granted for the project “(Re)Imagining the Citizen: Citizenship Revocation for Crime”.
Miikka Vuorela (Finland) was granted for the project “The Historical Criminal Statistics of the Nordic Countries 1810-2020”.
Working groups
Sara Uhnoo (Sweden) was granted for the working group “Nordic Himpathy”.
Berit Johnsen (Norway) was granted for the working group “Prisoners’ Acess to Justice – PRISAU”.
Lene Wacher Lentz (Denmark) was granted for the working group “Punitive Turn – Nordic style”.
Torbjørn Skardhamar (Norway) was granted for the working group “Nordic network for register-based criminological research”.
Klara Hermansson (Sweden) was granted for the working group “Sentiments on justice in the Nordic countries”,
Research grants awarded in 2022
Individual projects
Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir (Iceland) was granted for the project “Deserving and Undeserving Victims of Crime: An Analysis of Applications and Awards made by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund in Iceland”
Esben Houborg (Denmark) was granted for the project “Police drug law enforcement in Denmark from 2000 to 2020”
Anna Kahlmeter (Sweden) was granted for the project “Court-imposed care orders in a non-treatment paradigm: trends, demographics and outcomes in Sweden, 1994–2020”
Ali Unlu (Finland) was granted for the project “Aggression and threat rhetoric targeting Muslims and the LGBT community on social media in Finland”
Linnéa Österman (Sweden) was granted for the project “Minority Women’s Experiences of Desistance in Sweden”.
Working groups
Emy Bäcklin (SE) was granted for the working group “The Nordic network for penal voluntary sector research
Ingunn Fornes (NO) was granted the working group “Children and young people in conflict with the law”
Gertud Sofie Hafstad (NO) was granted for the working group “CHANCE – Child Abuse and Neglect in the Nordic Countries”
Research grants awarded in 2021
Co-Nordic project
Project leader Markus Kaakinen, post doc (FIN), Nordic researchteam Ph.D. Moeller Kim, PhD (SE and DK), Klement Christian Assistant (DK), Westfelt Lars, PhD (SE), Rostami Amir PhD (SE), Valdimarsdót Margrét, PhD (IS) and Lomell Heidi, professor (NO) were granted 1 400 000 SEK support for project “Street Gang Involvement Among Nordic Youth: A comparative study on prevalence and risk factors in Nordic countries”
Individual projects
Polina Smiragina-Ingelström, post doc (SE) was granted 500 000 SEK support for project “Negotiating care, post-trafficking needs and gender in understanding help-seeking behaviour of trafficked victims: a case study of Finland and Sweden”
Kivanc Atak, post doc (SE) was granted 405 000 SEK support for project “Local community frames and influence on policing in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods in Stockholm”
Tobias Kammersgaard, post doc (DK) was granted 493 190 SEK support for project “From Punishment to Help? An Analysis of Contemporary Drug Decriminalization Reforms”
Nordic working Groups
Working group led by Gertrud Hafstad, PhD, researcher (NO) was granted 100 000 SEK support for project “Child abuse and neglect research in the Nordic Countries (CHANCE)”
Anette Storgaard, professor (DK) was granted 44 000 SEK for “Meeting for members of the editorial board of Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab “.
Click here to read the abstracts of the funded research projects 2021.
Research grants awarded in 2020
Co-Nordic project, project leader Schoultz Isabel (SWE), research team; Spanger Marlene (DK), Ollus Natalia (FIN), Økland Jahnsen, Synnøve (NO), Jokinen Anniina, PhD-student (FIN) was granted 1 400 000 SEK support for project ”‘Law in action’ – Policy and legal responses to the exploitation of migrant workers in the Nordic countries”
Gålnander Robin, PhD-student (SWE) was granted 500 000 SEK support for project “Debt and Desistance in the Welfare State – Women’s Experiences of Coping with Debt when Desisting from Crime”
Helminen Maija (FIN) was granted 493 462 SEK for project ”Support and control? Research on the cooperation between the voluntary sector organizations and the penal system in Finland”
Heber Anita (SWE), main applicant and Lund Shammas Victor (NO) was granted 488 822 SEK for project “The Crimes of Others: Migration and Crime in Norwegian and Swedish Political Debate”
Salskov Sams Mathilde, PhD-student (DK) was granted 250 000 SEK support for project “Back on Track: A qualitative study of opportunities and challenges associated with resocializing sex of-fenders in Greenland”
Click here to read the abstracts of the funded research projects 2020.
Research grants awarded in 2019
Esben Houborg (DK) was granted 513 000 SEK support for the project ”Drug Policy and Risk-environments in Copenhagen and Malmö”.
Lisa Flower (SVE) was granted 513 000 SEK support for the project “Direct From The Courtroom: Live-reporting from trials and its emotional challenges”.
Thomas Friis Søgaard (DK) was granted 508 000 SEK support for the project ”Cannabis distribution in Denmark: Social supply and drifts in and out of ‘real’ dealing”.
Synøve Nygaard Andersen (NO) was granted 414 800 SEK support for the project “Nordic Correctional Exceptionalism in a Non-Nordic Context: Building the Foundations for Actionable Penal Reform”.
Anders Pedersson (SVE) was granted 356 000 SEK support for the project ”The Organization of Criminological Knowledge Production: A Historical investigation into the Creation of the Swedish Crime Prevention Council”.
Miisa Törölä (FIN) was granted 205 200 SEK support for the project ”Making sense of reduced criminal responsibility – subjective and institutional consequences of “partial sanity””.
Niina Vuolajärvi (FIN) was supported 102 600 SEK support for the project ”Precarious Intimacies – Commercial sex and Migration under the Nordic model approach”.
Olof Bäckman (SVE) was supported 82 600 SEK support for the working group ”Two-day Meeting on Research on Registry data”.
Anette Storgaard (DK) was supported 78 000 SEK support for working group ”Meeting in the editorial board for NTfK”.
Hedda Giertsen (NO) was supported 21 000 SEK support for working group ”Crime, incarceration and control in Nordic island societies. prosjeckt nr. 20170045”.
Research grants awarded in 2018
Janne Kivivuori (FI) et al. were granted 185 000 EUR support for the project ”Nordic Homicide from Past to Present: Explaining Stability and Change in Lethal Violence”.
Synøve Nygaard Andersen (NO) et al. were granted 120 000 EUR support to the project ”Maintaining the Policy-Relevance of Criminology by Improving Research Integrity: A Nordic Collaboration with Register Data”.
Rune Ellefsen (NO) was granted 30 000 EUR support to the project “Countering violent extremism in the Nordic countries: Learning from experiences in Norwegian and Swedish municipalities (CVENC-LENS)”.
Carolina Øverlien (SE) was granted 8848 EUR support for the working group meeting ”Development of a research proposal on intimacy and sexual violence in young people’s lives”.
Louise Victoria Johansen (DK) was granted 6365 EUR support for the working group meeting ”Nordic Research on Victimology Working Group Meeting”.
Anders Stenström (SE) was granted 3300 EUR support for the working group meeting ”Annual Nordic Network Meeting for PhD Candidates in Criminology”.
Research grants awarded in 2017
Jakob Demant (DK) et al. were granted 150 000 EUR for the project ”Drug dealing on social media within the Nordic countries: The intermixing of local and technology mediated drug dealing practices”.
Anette Bringedal Houge (NO) was granted 30 000 EUR for the project ”Opting out: Why young adults leave Islamist radicalization processes and the legitimacy of bystander interventions”.
Dorina Damsa (NO) was granted 30 000 EUR for the project ”Penal consciousness: the case of foreign nationals in Norwegian and Danish prisons”.
Hanna Malik (FI) was granted 30 000 EUR for the project ”The Formation of Labour Exploitation – Experiences of Polish Workers in Finland, Norway, and Sweden”.
Jon Gunnar Bernburg (IS) was granted 29 926 EUR for the project ”Community income inequality, social capital and adolescent delinquency: a comparative longitudinal study”.
Isabel Schoultz (SE) et al. were granted 12 000 EUR for the project ”What’s law got to do with it? Labour exploitation in the Nordic context” (working group).
Per Jørgen Ystehede (NO) et al. were granted 10 065 EUR for the project ”Penal welfarism – myths and realities?” (working group).
Elisiv Bakketeig (NO) et al. were granted 10 000 EUR for the project ”The Nordic Barnahus model(s): New research agendas” (working group).
Sara Hellqvist (SE) et al. were granted 10 000 EUR for the project ”Working Group Meeting Proposal: A Nordic Network Meeting for PhD Candidates in Criminology” (working group).
Ann-Karina Henriksen (DK) et al. were granted 10 000 EUR for the project ”Confinement of youths in the Nordic countries” (working group).
Agneta Mallén (SE) et al. were granted 10 000 EUR for the project ”Cybercrime victimization in the Nordic Countries” (working group).
May-Len Skilbrei (NO) et al. were granted 8620 EUR for the project ”Rethinkning Rape in the Nordic Countries” (book publishing support).
Lars Højsgaard Andersen (DK) et al. were granted 8095 EUR for the project ”Register Data and its Potential for Criminological Knowledge – A Nordic Research Network” (working group).
Timo Harrikari (FI) et al. were granted 8000 EUR for the project ”Criminal justice social work – a transformative laboratory of human governance?”
Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen (GL) et al. were granted 7060 EUR for the project ”Criminality, incarceration and control in Nordic island societies: The Faroe Islands, The Åland Islands, Iceland and Greenland” (working group).
Martti Lehti (FI) et al. were granted 5509 EUR for the project ”Working Group Meeting on Nordic Homicide Data Cooperation” (working group).
Research grants awarded in 2016
Torsten Kolind, Helene Gundhus, Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi and Malin Åkerström were granted 119 445 EUR for their project “Perceptions of procedural justice in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden”.
Niina Vuolajärvi was granted 28 050 EUR for her project ”Migrant Sex Work in the Nordic Region – Comparative Perspectives”.
Annette Olesen was granted 24 235 EUR for her project ”Mentorordning og udvidet retshjælp til løsladte i Danmark og Norge”.
Sigmund Mohn was granted 20 500 EUR for his project ”Deportationspraksisser i Norden: en kvantitativ og institutionel sammenligning”.
Katrine B.H. Johansen was granted 18 800 EUR for her project ” ´Det er jo noget med grænser ikke ?´Et antropoligisk studie af unges opfattelser og erfaringer emd seksuel vold med henblik på forebyggelse”.
Helge Renå, Per Lægreid, Jacob Aars and Rune Glomseth were granted 17 800 EUR for their project ”Den norske politireformen – en nulpunktmåling”.
Synnøve Jahnsen, Annette Vestby, Thomas Friis Søgaard, Kira Vrist Rønn, David Sausdal, Jens Kremer and Oscar Rantatalo were granted 10 000 EUR for their project ”Young Nordic Police and Policing Research Network” (working group).
Martine Lie, Rune Ellefsen, Guri Larsen and Ragnhild Sollund were granted 8000 EUR as working group support for their project ”Et politi for dyrene? Om utviklingen av dyrepolitienheter i Norden” (working group).
Thomas Ugelvik and Sveinung Sanberg were granted 8000 EUR as working group support for their project ”Narrativ kriminologi – et nordisk forskernettverk”.
Kristian Mjåland, Ingrid Lundeberg, Espen Houborg, Bjarke Nielsen and Bengt Svesson were granted 6000 EUR as working group support for their project ”Politik og Praksis: en komparativ analyse af åpne stoffcenter i tre nordiske land”.
Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen was granted 5940 EUR to the working group ”Kriminalitet, friehedsberøvelse og control I nordiske ø-samfund”.
Sverre Flaatten and Geir Heivoll were granted 4342 EUR as book publishing support for their project ”Rettslige overgangsformer og juridisk offentlighet: politi- og criminalrett i Norden, 1850-1950”.
Andreas Krogh was granted 1700 EUR for his project ”Kriminalpræventivt samarbejde mellem myndigheder og lokalsamfund”(research stay support).