
  • Welcome to Stockholm Criminology Symposium!

    June 15–16 2021 The Stockholm Criminology Symposium is organized by The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) and has become a well-established annual international meeting-place for criminologists, policymakers and others with an interest in criminal policy. This year’s symposium is organized as an online event and features approximately 150 speakers who will present their…

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  • First issue of the Finnish Kriminologia journal is published

    In recent years, criminology in Finland has experienced a strong rise in both research and teaching. Criminologists founded the Finnish Criminological Association in 2019. The association has now published the first issue of the journal Kriminologia Please note that the text on this page is a free translation of an article published on University of…

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  • New blog post: Digital crime victimization in Iceland and the MeToo movement

    Helgi Gunnlaugsson, professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland blogs on how the MeToo movement appears to have affected reporting of digital crime victimization. Helgi Gunnlaugsson received his BA in sociology from the University of Iceland and his MA and PhD from the University of Missouri. Gunnlaugsson´s main research interests include criminology, penal policy…

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  • Sexual assaults and abuse of children and young people

    For this year´s NSfK Researchseminar on theme “Sexual violence in the Nordic countries”, researchers contributed with their studies. At this page compiled the contributions pertaining to various perspectives on sexual assaults and abuse of children and young people. Abstracts published at NSfK web Typologies of sexual assaults among young people: A latent class analysis approach…

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  • KeyNote Katrine B.H. Johansen on discrepancy values and experiences

    Follow KeyNote Katrine Bindesbøl Holm Johansen, MSc and PhD*, Special consultant at the organisation Lev Uden Vold, Denmark presentation at NSfK YouTube channel: Debunking a Danish value narrative – a strategy to prevent sexual violence? The past decades Denmark has continued to have national prevalence studies that shows sexual violence to be both a significant…

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  • How to enhance support for victims of sexual assaults in criminal investigations?

    One of the questions raised in presentations for the NSfK ResearchSeminar 2021 on Sexual violence in the Nordic countries. Sarah van Mastrigt, Associate professor at Aarhus University outlines findings from a randomized experiment designed to test the effects of a brief e-learning intervention targeted at Danish police recruits. The study shows that compared to controls,…

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  • NJC Special Issue Sexual Violence in a Nordic Context is online!

    Seven articles on Sexual violence in a Nordic context – and all of them Open/Free Access. Capricious credibility – legal assessments of voluntariness in Swedish negligent rape judgementsLisa Wallin et al. analysing the new Swedish rape legislation. The authors show how legal decisions regarding ‘negligent rape’ are influenced by rape myths drawing on stereotypes about gender…

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  • Keynote Hildur Fjóla Antonsdottir on justice for survivors of sexual violence

    Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, Postdoctoral Researcher, EDDA Research Center, University of Iceland keynote on Decentring Criminal Justice: A Plural Approach to Survivor-Centred Justice for the NSfK ResearchSeminar 2021 is published on NSfK YouTube channel.

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  • Reshaping Finnish Criminology – new blog post

    New blog post  Janne Kivivuori, Professor of Criminology, University of Helsinki describes the process of reshaping Finnish criminology, and how establishing the Finnish Society of Criminology has energized the field. Janne Kivivuori is the current Chair of the Finnish Society of Criminology.

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  • Key note May-Len Skilbrei on sexual violence as a gender equality paradox

    May-Len Skilbrei, professor, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, Oslo University key note on The continued existence of sexual violence as a gender equality paradox for the NSfK research seminar 2021 is published on YouTube. During week 15, key note by Stina Holmberg, researcher at the National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) in Stockholm and associate professor…

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