One of the questions raised in presentations for the NSfK ResearchSeminar 2021 on Sexual violence in the Nordic countries. Sarah van Mastrigt, Associate professor at Aarhus University outlines findings from a randomized experiment designed to test the effects of a brief e-learning intervention targeted at Danish police recruits. The study shows that compared to controls,…
Seven articles on Sexual violence in a Nordic context – and all of them Open/Free Access. Capricious credibility – legal assessments of voluntariness in Swedish negligent rape judgementsLisa Wallin et al. analysing the new Swedish rape legislation. The authors show how legal decisions regarding ‘negligent rape’ are influenced by rape myths drawing on stereotypes about gender…
Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, Postdoctoral Researcher, EDDA Research Center, University of Iceland keynote on Decentring Criminal Justice: A Plural Approach to Survivor-Centred Justice for the NSfK ResearchSeminar 2021 is published on NSfK YouTube channel.
New blog post Janne Kivivuori, Professor of Criminology, University of Helsinki describes the process of reshaping Finnish criminology, and how establishing the Finnish Society of Criminology has energized the field. Janne Kivivuori is the current Chair of the Finnish Society of Criminology.
May-Len Skilbrei, professor, Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, Oslo University key note on The continued existence of sexual violence as a gender equality paradox for the NSfK research seminar 2021 is published on YouTube. During week 15, key note by Stina Holmberg, researcher at the National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) in Stockholm and associate professor…
From 2021 the journal Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab (NTfK) is published online only and is immediate Open Access. This first online issue is a Special Issue on Frihedsberøvelse og frihedsberøvede with 14 articles and 3 essays – all contributions by Nordic researchers. Click here to read the issue at the platform This platform is…
23 March is Nordens Dag Interesting webinars and digital discussions to follow today arranged by ia Nordisk Ministerråd og Nordisk Råd Five webinars to follow online via the organization´s Facebook: 12:00 CET Hur kan de nordiska länderna skapa trygghet på nätet? 13:00 CET Covid19 sætter tilliden og mobiliteten under pres 14:00 CET Hur ska vi…
A call for a Global Nordic Criminology! Nordic Criminologists must face the challenge of creating a more global Nordic criminology, writes Sveinung Sandberg, professor of Criminology at the University of Oslo.
This year a co-Nordic project, three individual research projects and two Nordic working groups were awarded a total of almost SEK 3 million. Co-Nordic project Project leader Markus Kaakinen, post doc (FIN), Nordic researchteam Ph.D. Moeller Kim, PhD (SE and DK), Klement Christian Assistant (DK), Westfelt Lars, PhD (SE), Rostami Amir PhD (SE), Valdimarsdót Margrét,…
Ulla V Bondesons stiftelse for retssociologisk og kriminologisk forskning UDDELING AF STIPENDIER I 2021 Fondet er stiftet af professor Ulla V Bondeson, og det har som sit hovedformål at fremme retssociologisk og kriminologisk forskning i Norden, herunder især forskning ved universiteterne i Stockholm, Lund og København. Første prioritet gives til behandlingsforskning, dvs. studier af effekten…