On 15 December 2020, the Norwegian Partner Homicide Committee submitted their report to Minister of Justice and Public Security, Monica Mæland.The Committee was chaired by NSfK Council member, Professor Ragnhild Hennum. The government appointed the Partner Homicide Committee by royal resolution on 12 October 2018. The committee has surveyed cases of homicide where the perpetrator…
Allow us to introduce the nominees for the NJC Best Article Prize 2020! All articles are Free Access or Open Access.Please click on the names of the articles to reach full text. “Old-fashioned penal exceptionalism: the case of Iceland’s open prisons” by Francis Pakes “Experiencing police violence and insults: narratives from ethnic minority men in…
The application period for NSfK research grants 2021 ended on Friday 27 November at 15.00 CET. 18 applications were received before DL, of which five Joint Nordic applications, two for Joint Nordic working groups and 11 for individual research projects. The total sum of research funds applied for amounts to SEK 12,755,000. The Council for NSfK…
The European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA) is a contest that rewards the best European crime prevention project. From the Nordic EU-memberstates a Finnish and a Swedish project will participate. Read more about the national winning projects on this page. You reach the national presentations of the projects (in Swedish) by clicking on the headlines. Finland:…
Letter from the Chairperson of NSfK, Felipe Estrada NSfK 60 years – Jubilee Issue of Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab (NTfK) Please note: For the letter in English, please see further down at this page. NSfK 60 år – vilka frågor ställer framtidens nordiska kriminologer? År 2022 fyller Nordiska samarbetsrådet för kriminologi (NSfK) 60 år. Jubileumsåret…
December 2020 Thesis Stambøl, Eva Magdalena: “External Projection of Internal Security: The EU’s Export of Crime Control to West Africa“, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde ved Aalborg Universitet Eva ønsker i den forbindelse at takke NSfK for at yde økonomisk bistand som muliggjorde hendes feltarbejde i Vestafrika. Books, anthologies and specialissues of journals Hayward, K. J. (2021) “Five smart…
“‘Law in action’ – Policy and legal responses to the exploitation of migrant workers in the Nordic countries” Project meeting August 2020. Photo: Theo Hagman-Rogowski What are you investigating in this research project? This research project is a joint effort that explores how the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden – counter the exploitation…
Research project awarded NSfK grant 2020 One of the Nordic projects awarded NSfK research grant this year was the co-Nordic research project ”Law in action – Policy and legal responses to the exploitation of migrant workers in the Nordic countries”. The Nordic research team is lead by Isabel Schoultz, Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology…
Researcher Synøve N. Andersen was awarded NSfK Researchgrantin 2019 for the project ”Nordic Correctional Exceptionalism in a Non-Nordic Context: Building the Foundations for Actionable Penal Reform” Swedish national television (SVT) has published a trailer to a documentary about the project, of which NSfK funding is a part. Press this link, that will take you to…
This year the Nordic countries have seen a general increase in number of applications to university studies, compared to eg last year. At some of the universities the various levels of criminology studies are at the top of the lists of most popular programs. In addition, some Nordic universities offer new opportunities and academic levels…